8 Core Values
1. People: “The most important thing in this world is the very people who inhabit the earth.” In all our ambitions, views and perspectives, let’s not forget that nothing is more important than the human race.” Elizabeth Owusuwaa
2. Innovation: Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship. It drives everything: Job creation, poverty alleviation, innovation.” Elliot Bisnow
3. Leadership: "Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work." Seth Godin
"The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there." John Buchan
4. Support: Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen. Pete Carroll
5. Vigilant: “If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” Leo Tolstoy, Essays, Letters and Miscellanies.
6. Reconciliation: “There is a great need for families to be reconciled, for the parents to retreat and realize that their children have been stripped of love and attention, for the children to feel the warmth of their embrace and experience the fullness of their care and interest in their development.” Elizabeth Owusuwaa
7. Inspire: “To inspire is to ignite a tiny flame on the inside of an individual that gradually grows into an explosion of passion that elicits change.” Elizabeth Owusuwaa
8. Change: “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.” Mahatma Gandhi